Thursday, 29 November 2012

OUGD504 // Design for Print // Print Videos

Come across some print videos whilst looking for the competition brief research. These link in with the design for print module and also PPP, as this is something that i am very much interested in.

Italian stu­dio Happy Centro and Louis Vuitton have teamed up to both design and produce an invi­ta­tion for the open­ing of a Louis Vuitton store in Osaka, Japan. The result is a paper object fea­tur­ing com­plex origami folds and a vari­ety of print­ing tech­niques using our very own Arcoprint Milk 85g. The entire process, from production to printing is shown in this video as we go behind the scenes for possibly one of the best collaborations to date.

Wallpaper Handmade Front cover issue.
For wallpapers handmade magazine issue they got designers to produce a hand made front cover. These are some which are done using different print processes.

Anthony Burrill - Made by Hand

Alan Kitching - Hand made font cover.

OUGD503 // Fedrigoni // Wallpaper handmade cover 2012

Whilst looking for research on paper craft, i came across the wallpaper magazine website, which ran a hand made cover idea. These front covers were for the handmade issue and the magazine got designers to design a hand made cover.
Some of these link directly into the idea that i am wanted to create for the fedrigoni brief and some don't but i like the whole idea in the first place and think its a good idea to get designers involved. 

Using a magazine to create this pattern by twisting the pages. This brings the insides out and shows what fun you can have with the magazine.

taken from the sirio colour publication. This is a simple illustration of the middle of the sirio book. Very bright and eye catching. 

This last design my Tom Hingston, is exactly the idea that i am wanting to create. He has used layers of  different paper stocks to create the 3D magazine front cover. With all the different layers together this gives a really effective design and dynamic to the magazine.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

OUGD503 // Fedrigoni // Book and info Packaging

For the packaging of the information pack I have started to research into some ideas of how i could packaging the whole pack together. The idea behind this is to something that is aesthetically pleasing and fitting with the design of the publication, but also something that is durable as it has to with stand going through the post. 
When looking at ideas and examples, i have found that i like the ones which are a envelope style, made from thin card or corrugated card.

This has an interesting fold to the packaging, with printed information direct onto the packaging it makes it more interactive and gives it more of a purpose than just some packaging, it becomes part of the design. 

I like the natural look this, with the stock and string used to bind the publication. 

The use of the label adds a block of colour to what would be a dull coloured front colour. This label gives the idea of organisation and important information. The packaging has a high standard of design to it. 

A simple design to the folder, but with an effective use and being able to hold alot of printed products

Good use of the cardboard stock, very strong and durable. The stocker both keeps it closed but also has the branding of the product. Colours and design all reflect on the product itself. 

A good use of string and the circle stopper to keep the string tied tight around the packaging. This gives a sort of DIY feel to the packaging, also connotations of vintage and distressed looks and style to it. 

Branding working well across the full board of items. 

Cleaver use of the format of the smaller packaging to fit within the bigger packaging. This looks effective in the design but also aesthetically when opened as shown above. 

A simple publication wrap could be all that is needed for the publication. In the case for my project and the idea for the packaging, once it has been opened it cant be fastened closed again. 

 I like the use of the cut through on the text and the illustrations coming through to the forefront. I think this could be an interesting idea to use within the packaging. 

Again the idea of having the cut out on the front cover to show through the contents of the packaging, i like this interaction between the packaging and the contents of it. 

A simple fold around packaging for the book, this works well to both protect the book in the post and aesthetically it looks good too. 

Great hand crafted packaging. The box itself looks good on it own with the small detail of the stitching down the middle, this gives a nice natural style and look to the packaging. With the small slip inside the packaging this brings in the user interactivity aspect of the packaging, making it more interesting to open and use. 

A great idea for a portfolio or something to contain lots of individual sections of information. The packaging works well to keep everything organised but also the aesthetics of it blends in with the silver of the information slips. Very surdy stock used for the packaging. 

Interesting format on this publication. The front cover acts as a front cover and the packaging for the book. Again this shows interactivity for the user when reading it and makes it more interesting both in the aesthetics and when looking through it. 

Very simple book covering which opens fully to give full access to the book itself. Not having it bound to the spine makes it easier to read because it can lay flat on the top. 

Even though the stock used in plain and simple, the addition of the paper craft within the structured grid, gives it definition and makes it more attractive to look at. 

Love the label which also acts as part of the binding. This is multi purpose in the item itself, but mainly works with aesthetics of the book. 

Very professional looking packaging, the simple design with just the logo on the front makes this seem very professional.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

OUGD503 // Fedrigoni // Paper Craft & Pop up Books

After deciding on the kind of idea that i am wanting to use within my project and publication, i have started to look at general pop up and craft books to see the sort of things that can be achieved in using them.

Pop up book of showing who the designer is. I like the use of bright colours and the way that the pop up parts of the publication are constructed and how they work within the publication.

Interactive Newspaper. The newspaper folds up with information running from page to page, over the folds and other ways. To be able to read it, you have to work with the folds and unfold it as you go along.

Interactive publication, using the tabs to reveal more text and information.

Typography interactive book. To teach you about type and the different terms and meanings of typography. I like the use of different materials within the publication and how the trace paper has been used to overlay things over the top.

Pop up book - I love the pop up areas within the publication and how they work within the book. The pop ups look really good and very effective within this book. They are very intricate and look amazing. 

Movable numbers book. Interactive book, which shows numbers in different ways. I like the use of the different mechanisms within the publications for the interactive elements of it.

Publication on paper stock. I love the idea of the be able to see through the different layers of the pages to show through different stocks. The link between pages and how they are attached together works well too.

Movable type book. A publication which displays the alphabet in different ways. I like the pop up elements within the book, especially the box pop up which i think i can use this within my publications well. The use of pop ups with different layers works good too. They are all done to a high standard and look brilliant within the context of this book.