Thursday 16 January 2014

OUGD601 // Dissertation // Practical // Final Product Images

The final products for this project is the publication with the book sleeve. There is also the website, which I have burned onto a CD to submit.

I am really happy with the outcome of the publication and the screen printed book sleeve / poster. I think this does put into practice all the ideas and theory that was discussed throughout my dissertation. It has been a good opportunity to work on a project which is very self directed and working on a subject area that I am very interested in within the industry.

I think I achieved the bespoke / high quality publication that I set out to create, the final aesthetic and design of the publication is really good, the idea and concept of how the publication works by having the trace overlays within it make it a much stronger product and communicate the whole idea of it to the user. I am happy with the format and the stock used, which concludes with this very tactile, interactive publication that has a very intriguing aesthetic that makes you want to go and explore it.

Here are images of the publication:

Here are images of the book sleeve / poster:

These images show how the poster folds up to create the book sleeve for the front cover: 

The following images are all the images taken of the final products:

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